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James Karpac Orthodontics

5 Common Causes Of Bad Breath In Teens And Children

There are many causes of bad breath in children and teens, and some of them may indicate a need for orthodontic treatment!

orthodontic treatment is necessary for many children, and JK Orthodontics helps parents better realize the common warning signs


Halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, is a very common problem that occurs within children and teenagers. Although there are many different causes of bad breath, some of these causes are clear warning signs that it may be time for parents to consider orthodontic treatment.

The JK Orthodontics team has helped countless children throughout the Columbus Metro Area with our comprehensive orthodontic services, and we’ve seen time and time again how proper oral care and treatment can alleviate persistent bad breath.

Below we’ll be discussing 5 common causes of how children can develop bad breath, and what parents and patients can do about it!


1. Improper Teeth Cleaning And Food


There are many different types of food that don’t smell too great, and these foods can cause your child to develop persistently bad breath. What’s even worse is when these food particles are left in a child’s teeth over night or for multiple days at a time.

This is why it’s so crucial for parents to teach their children how to properly floss and brush at a young age, and children should also understand why these oral health habits are so important.

Although you could try to avoid certain foods like onions and garlic altogether, you should know that some of your child’s favorite foods like pizza and spaghetti sauce simply won’t be the same! That’s why it’s incredibly important to help your child avoid bad breath by instilling good oral health habits that they’ll follow on a daily basis.


2. Dry Mouth


A lot children will breathe through their mouth when they’re sleeping or even when they’re awake, and this will inevitably lead to less saliva. Smelly gases are also frequently released through the mouth, which can be a common cause of halitosis.

Both of these factors will inevitably play a role in developing consistent bad breath in a child, which is why parents need to focus on ensuring that their children are drinking enough water on a daily basis. When a child drinks enough water and produces enough saliva, they can significantly reduce their overall likelihood of having bad breath.


3. Illness


There are certain scenarios in which a child has bad breath and is also complaining about certain types of facial pain. If your child has a runny nose or is coughing for a consistent amount of time, it could be that their bad breath is caused by sinusitis.

Sinusitis causes an individual’s sinuses to become blocked and inflamed, and one symptom of sinusitis is bad breath. A good way to thoroughly flush out the excess bacteria and improve a child’s bad breath in this situation is to have them drink plenty of water.

Acid reflux can also be the culprit of a child’s bad breath, particularly if they’re experiencing abdominal pain and nausea. Heartburn and vomiting along with bad breath can be a clear sign that a child has acid reflux, but regardless of these symptoms it’s important to visit your doctor and get the right medication for your child when their bad breath is connected to something more serious.


4. Tooth Decay


Another common cause of bad breath in children is tooth decay, and this is partly because tooth decay can make it very painful for children to properly floss and brush their teeth. When a child isn’t flossing or brushing correctly for extended periods of time, plaque and food buildup will make matters much worse.

The more bacteria accumulates within a child’s gums and teeth, the more likely they are to experience further dental issues. An experienced children’s orthodontist like Dr. Karpac will be able to help parents when it comes to fully evaluating their child’s tooth decay, and our team will always be there to support your child as you’re preparing for orthodontic treatment.


5. Teeth Misalignment


When teeth are crowded, crooked or simply not in healthy positions, they can be a cause for a child’s bad breath. This is because improper alignment and tooth placement can lead to wearing in obscure places, which makes teeth more susceptible to serious issues like cavities.

Crowded teeth are also very difficult to properly floss, which can lead to bacteria buildup that’s trapped deep beneath a child’s gum line. The good news is that a visit with Dr. Karpac will be the perfect solution for this cause of bad breath!


Reach Out To JK Orthodontics To Learn More About Our Orthodontic Treatment Options For Children And Teenagers


JK Orthodontics has helped countless families obtain high-quality orthodontic treatment, and we’ll be able to help your younger children as they prepare for orthodontic treatment as well.

Reach out to us online or call us at 614-766-0330 (Dublin office) or 614-471-6355 (Gahanna office) to schedule your child’s initial consultation with our team today!