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James Karpac Orthodontics

Teenage Tactics: Dealing with Dental Issues

Although orthodontia is a viable solution to teeth problems at any age, the facts remain that the clear majority of orthodontia patients are teenagers. Due to their quick rate of growth and high capacity for healing, the teenage years are a great time to take care of teeth issues that can plague you throughout your life if you do not take action. However, everyone knows that the teenage years can also be trying and feel overwhelming to many young adults. Adding the burden of orthodontia can often seem like just one more thing to worry about.

Luckily, there are several basic and easy to remember steps that can help teenagers make the entire dental and orthodontia experience go more smoothly. Top among these is proper dental hygiene. The very nature of braces means that your teeth are harder to access and the hardware involved in braces can often mean that food will cling to the surfaces on or near your teeth. If left too long, this can lead to acid build up and decay. By brushing and flossing regularly and carefully, teenagers can lessen their risk of long term dental problems. It is best to brush after every meal, no matter how inconvenient it might be. A thorough flossing should be attempted at least twice a day. By taking the time to cleanse your teeth properly of food debris, teenagers are not only safeguarding their current mouth health, but learning and maintaining good dental practices that will serve them well in life.

A wisely chosen diet is another great way that teenagers can contribute to the overall success of their orthodontia treatment. While some foods, such as soda or candy, should be a given because of their sugar content and overall contribution to a poor diet, few people realize that sticky and crunchy foods can also lead to problems with your braces. Sticky foods obviously stick to the wires and brackets of your braces, while crunchy foods like nuts, popcorn, or apples can bend or break wires and cause cutting or tearing of the flesh inside your mouth. Avoiding these foods will help to protect both your teenager’s mouth and the investment you have made in your orthodontia plan.

Of course, there are some issues that can’t be avoided. Naturally, with braces can often come some pain or discomfort. Remember after an adjustment that your child’s mouth, jaw, and even head are likely to be sore. Treat them to soft, easy to swallow foods and make sure they get a regular dose of pain killer for a day or two and the discomfort is likely to go away. If a part of their braces is causing sores due to rubbing, there is easily available wax that can help lessen the pain.

We understand that dealing with orthodontics can easily feel a little overwhelming for teenagers who are often already pressed to their limit. However, by following these basic guidelines, teens can make sure to maximize the potential of their dental care and make sure that all the hassle pays off.