It’s possible for braces patients to experience swollen gums during the initial stages of their treatment process, so here’s what you should do!
It’s normal for braces patients to experience slight discomfort during the first few days of treatment, and swollen gums just so happen to be one of the most common types of irritation that we hear about from parents and patients.
In most cases, swollen gums can be alleviated through proper cleaning techniques and a few habit changes; however, it’s important to understand what is causing the swelling before making any changes.
Below, we’ll detail how gums might initially react to braces and how to soothe and eliminate gum swelling altogether!
What Exactly Causes Swollen Gums?
The brackets and wires associated with braces often make brushing your teeth slightly more difficult, but it’s important for braces patients to understand just how important it is to consistently and effectively remove any bacteria buildup that can accumulate in tough-to-reach areas.
Bacterial plaque is a dental issue that everyone needs to be concerned about because it can lead to gum disease and gingivitis (gum inflammation). The first stages of these conditions include bleeding, red, and swollen gums.
Many parents and braces patients need to keep in mind that puberty hormones can sometimes escalate gum disease symptoms in orthodontic patients. This generally makes a teen’s gums more inflamed than those of adult orthodontic patients. When your gums become inflamed, it can make cleaning even more difficult, creating a vicious cycle that accelerates swelling.
Swollen gums can also be caused by hypertrophy or hyperplasia, conditions that sometimes involve sensitive gums overgrowing as a reaction to braces being introduced into a patient’s mouth.
As is easy to imagine, there are many causes of swollen gums that Dr. Karpac and our team must consider when you inform us of your symptoms!
Tips For Soothing Swollen Gums
We understand just how uncomfortable swollen gums can be for braces patients, which is why it’s important to know ways to soothe your swelling until you’re better acquainted with your new appliance.
The best thing that you can do to prevent further irritation and reduce gum swelling is adopt some habit changes that help keep your braces and teeth cleaner. This is why we recommend the following to many of our braces patients:
- Use an electric toothbrush with an orthodontic head while setting up a timer when brushing your teeth to make sure that you’re brushing for a minimum of two minutes. You’ll likely need to set these timers for longer when your gums are very swollen.
- Use a floss threader and interproximal brushes to thoroughly clean around and under your wires.
- Use a water flosser to wash out any food debris that builds up around your braces and deep within your gums.
- Follow up your brushing and flossing with an antimicrobial mouthwash, a fluoride mouthwash, and/or a saltwater rinse.
The good news is that if you or your child are confused about how to use these types of orthodontic tools, we’ll be sure to answer your questions and provide guidance.
It’s also important for braces patients to brush after every meal, which includes lunch. This goes so much further than just reducing swollen gums, and this type of habitual change does wonders for all orthodontic patients.
There are other bad habits that can lead to swollen gums as well, including things like:
- Chewing a pen in class
- Biting your nails/lips
- Pushing your tongue up against your teeth
- Chewing gum
- Eating candy
- Not getting enough vitamin C
Your gums will definitely thank you when you change these bad habits!
Line-M-Up™ As An Alternate Treatment For Swollen Gums
If swollen gums have been a problem for you or your child long before your orthodontic treatment, then it’s normal to have concerns about gum swelling during braces treatment.
What’s great is that we also offer our very own invisible aligner treatment called Line-M-Up™ that’s a great alternative for those who want to avoid swollen gums. Because you can remove your aligner trays, you can more easily keep your gums and teeth clean—and avoid swollen gums!
Reach Out To Us If You’re Struggling With Swollen Gums
If you’re a braces patient struggling to manage swollen gums, we want to hear from you as soon as possible. Our team is here to provide you with personalized advice to help you better manage your symptoms, and we know that our help will help you feel more comfortable.
Reach out to us online or call us at 614-766-0330 to schedule your free consultation or next checkup appointment with Dr. Karpac!