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James Karpac Orthodontics

How Much Do Invisible Aligners Cost?

If you are considering getting invisible aligners for yourself or a loved one then it makes sense that you may have a whole array of questions before getting started.

Here at James Karpac Orthodontics, we utilize our own in-house invisible aligner system called Line-M-Up, and this essentially is an orthodontic treatment that helps our patients straighten their teeth and perfect their smiles without using any type of metal braces. There’s no denying that invisible aligners have completely revolutionized the world of orthodontics, because now metal brackets and wires are simply just an option, and not mandatory.

The Line-M-Up treatment process consists of wearing an elaborate series of clear, plastic aligners that shift your teeth into their proper positions over a certain pre-determined period of time. But what’s so great about invisible aligners is that adults and other people who wouldn’t have considered getting braces and correcting their teeth alignment are now giving Line-M-Up a shot.

But for so many people the ultimate choice for getting invisible aligners or not comes down to the overall associated costs.  So, in this article we are going to go over the rough estimates as to how much invisible aligners cost, if they’re worth it for you, or if you may be better off going with traditional braces.

Comparing Invisible Aligners to Traditional Braces

When it comes down to it, the typical pricing for invisible aligners like Line-M-Up is going to be about the same as traditional braces,  the average cost being  between $3,000 and $8,000 for invisible aligners.   Of course, when you request an appointment with Dr. Karpac we’ll be able to provide a much more accurate pricing estimate based on your customized treatment plan.

Some of the factors that will come into play when it comes to overall invisible aligner treatment costs include the general extent of needed alignment, which directly coincides with the amount of aligners you’ll need throughout the course of your personalized treatment.

The average costs for traditional braces also vary dramatically, and range anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000. The costs are going to vary on an individual basis, so it’s always important to go through the new patient protocols in order to get a more comprehensive understanding as to exactly how much your treatment options will end up costing.

Almost every dental insurance coverage plan will cover invisible aligners like Line-M-Up in the same way that they would cover traditional braces, but you should always check out the intricate details of your plan with your insurance company in order to determine the overall extent of your allotted coverage.

Making this type of investment decision can be tough for parents and adults alike, but in the end it’s always going to be up to you and Dr. Karpac in terms of deciding which type of treatment is best for your case. The average costs of invisible aligners aren’t that much more than traditional braces, and the advantages associated with invisible aligners many times will outweigh the price differences.

But if cost is a major concern for you and your family in terms of your orthodontic care, then you should contact us to talk more about how we can set up payment options that better coincide with your budget. Many times we’ll be able to set up monthly payment plans that will help you spread out the overall costs of an invisible aligner treatment over a much longer period of time!